Andeep Roy Alex

Japanese Businessman Sleeps Only 30 Minutes Daily

Japanese Businessman Sleeps Only 30 Minutes Daily

Can you believe that someone can stay fully fit and active by sleeping only 30 minutes a day? A Japanese businessman has been following this routine for the past 12 years. 40-year-old Daisuke Hori has adjusted his schedule to allow more time for work, even with such a short amount of sleep. 

Japanese Businessman Sleeps Only 30 Minutes Daily

The Miracle of Less Sleep: Daisuke Hori's Unique Lifestyle

"Daisuke Hori", a "successful businessman", decided to reduce his sleep 12 years ago. Today, he "sleeps only 30 minutes" a day yet stays active and fit. This might surprise many, but Hori claims that he has trained his body and mind to the point where he doesn't need more sleep. 

The Secret to Fitness: Training the Body and Mind

Hori says he has mastered the art of living with less sleep. His goal was to increase his working hours and be more productive during the day. In 2016, he founded the 'Short Sleepers Training Association,' where he teaches people about this unique lifestyle.

Hori’s routine also includes regular exercise, spending over an hour daily on it. This exercise helps him stay fit and maintain his energy levels, even with limited sleep. 

Coffee: A Helpful Companion for Less Sleep

According to Hori, coffee plays a key role in his lifestyle. He drinks coffee an hour before his meals, which helps him avoid sleepiness and fatigue. He believes that coffee is important for keeping the body active, especially when someone is sleeping less.


Daisuke Hori’s unique approach not only gives him more time to work but also helps him stay fit and active. While this "lifestyle" may not be for everyone, Hori has shown that with the right training and discipline, it's possible to stay healthy and energetic even with minimal sleep... 

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